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Product Short Description: CAPS BUFFER FOR BIOCHEMISTRY Product Description: CAPS BUFFER FOR BIOCHEMISTRY cyclohexy lamine buffer that is useful for a pH range of 9.7 – 11.1 and commonly used to study enzymatic processes above physiological pH. CAPS is an excellent buffer for the transfer of high molecular weight proteins to nitrocellulose membranes after SDS-PAGE. It is also used in protein sequencing.
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on 21 Nov 2022 7:15 AM
  • CAPS BUFFER FOR BIOCHEMISTRY Sohar Muscat Barka Ruwi Madayn
Product Short Description: CAPSO BUFFER FOR BIOCHEMISTRY Product Description: CAPS buffer is a zwitterionic buffer widely used in Western and immunoblotting experiments as well as protein sequencing and identification. Used in the electrotransfer of proteins to PVDF or nitrocellulose membranes. The high pH of this buffer makes it useful for the transfer of proteins with
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on 21 Nov 2022 7:12 AM
  • CAPSO BUFFER FOR BIOCHEMISTRY Sohar Muscat Barka Ruwi Madayn
Product Short Description: CARBOL FUCHSIN DILUTE staining solution ziehl Neelsen Product Description: carbol fuchsin dilute staining solution identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis. Acid-fast organisms have a lipoid capsule that has a high molecular weight and is waxy at room temperature.
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on 21 Nov 2022 7:17 AM
Product Short Description: CARBOL FUCHSIN POWDER Product Description: Carbol fuchsin, carbol-fuchsin, or carbolfuchsin, is a mixture of phenol and basic fuchsin, used in bacterial staining procedures. It is commonly used in the staining of mycobacteria as it has an affinity for the mycolic acids found in their cell membranes.
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on 21 Nov 2022 7:11 AM
  • CARBOL FUCHSIN POWDER Sohar Muscat Barka Ruwi Madayn
Product Short Description: CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AR Product Description: Carbon tetrachloride is a colorless organic solvent with a sweet odor. It does not ocCarbon tetrachloride is commonly used as a feedstock to manufacture refrigerants, agricultural chemicals, chlorinated solvents, and other chemicals.cur naturally and has been manufactured for use as a dry cleaning solvent, degreasing agent, refrigerant, fumigant, in fire extinguishers and for lacquers and varnishes.Carbon tetrachloride is a colorless organic solvent with a sweet odor.
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on 21 Nov 2022 7:09 AM
  • CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AR Sohar Muscat Barka Ruwi Madayn
Product Short Description: CARBON TETRACHLORIDE HPLC Product Description: Carbon tetrachloride, also known by many other names is an organic compound with the chemical formula CCl4. used in the production of refrigeration fluid and propellants for aerosol cans, as a pesticide
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on 21 Nov 2022 7:06 AM
  • CARBON TETRACHLORIDE HPLC Sohar Muscat Barka Ruwi Madayn