Product Short Description:
Tolerates high levels of contamination. It cleans by displacement of oils, soils, and greases float to the solution surface where they can be removed manually or with mechanical skimmers.
Product Description:
It cleans by displacement of oils, soils, and greases float to the solution surface where this can be removed manually or with mechanical skimmers. Its cleaning solution cleans rapidly and penetrating into blind holes and between adjacent surfaces which helps to avoid uses of mechanical action and this product tolerates high levels of contamination.
Other Grade PART NO- RXSOL-10-1701-250
Degreaser Paste ::: Viscous semi solid paste, easy to apply on vertical surface. And very popular in mechanical place, where spreading of water not permitted. Simply apply on contaminated surface spot, and wipe down without using water. This product is very effective and eassily dissolves all types of grease and grime.