on 14 Dec 2022 2:14 PM
  • SCALE GUN RX Sohar Muscat Barka Ruwi Madayn
Product Short Description: Best suitable prouct for WASHING MACHINE. Also very active lime scale remover to remove alkaline salts and water scales from automatic dishwashing machine, Geysers, Steam Iron, Coffee Makers, Bath Tubs, Bathroom Fixtures etc. Product Description: Best suitable prouct for WASHING MACHINE. Also very active lime scale remover to remove alkaline salts and water scales from automatic dishwashing machine. And It can be used in appliances such as Washing Machines, Dish Washers, Geysers, Steam Iron, Coffee Makers, Bath Tubs, Bathroom Fixtures etc. It is effectively removes the unwanted scales from your washing machine in order to give it more life. Scalegun RX also helps you to keep your clothes clean and results in reduction of electric bills.