Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt TPOL GP 20 Ltrs RXSOL-15-T300-020 Metal Treatment-68 multi - prupose heavy duty cleaing soap solution used as a common dirt remover in residential, comme
Alt Digital pH Indicator (0 to 14) RXSOL-60-5405-001 Lab Chemical-60 Digital pH Indicator (0 to 14)
Alt Aquaa Clean Break RXSOL-16-3003-025 Hold Solution-22 New technology surfactant degreaser for removal of grease, oil, sludge, carbon deposits, general dir
Alt Tank Cleaner HD RXSOL-20-2001-210 Tank Cleaner-20 Tank Cleaner and Degreaser Quickly removes oil, grease, gimres, adhesive and dyes.
Alt Tank Cleaner HD RXSOL-20-2001-020 Degreaser-10 Used as a tank cleaner or for general degreasing, cleaning and gs freeing for double bottom tanks, w
Alt CTC Volc Cleaner 20 Ltrs RXSOL-20-2028-020 RIGS Oil Field-34 Very strong Tank cleaner and emulsifier
Alt Degresol High Flash Point Degreaser RXSOL-16-1009-020 Degreaser-10 Well balanced blend of non - chlorinated degresol ( having super degreasing power ) with surfactants
Alt Air Cooler Cleaning Chemical 210 Ltr RXSOL-16-0009-210 Evaporator Treat-51 It has self foaming characteristics which starts immediate foaming when it comes in contact with dir
Alt Biological Guard -280 Conc RXSOL-40-4003-020 Deck cabin galley Maintenance-25 Anti fungal based dispersing cleaner for the control of fouling by marine growth such as algae, shel
Alt ALKACLEAN s. LAC RXSOL-20-2015-020 Railway Maintenance-35 A very strong alkaline cleaner, which can be used to soften up / remove baked on drying oils