Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt BIOKIL Disinfectants RXSOL-15-3334-005 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 very powerful and stable oxidizing disinfectant
Alt Disinfectant Eco Friendly Micro Shield RXSOL-15-3335-005 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 ECO friendly multifunctional non acid disinfectant that is a potent broad spectrum Virucidal, Bacter
Alt Polymeric Waterproofing Coating VOLC WP RXSOL-67-6705-025 Construction Chem-67 Polymeric Waterproofing Coating
Alt POLYMER MODIFIED BITUMEN SEALER ( Concrete Treatment ) RXSOL PMB 1807 RXSOL-18-1807-025 Paint and Cleaning solvent-18 POLYMER MODIFIED BITUMEN SEALER
Alt RXSOL PCS RXSOL-22-2208-050 Ballast Tank Chem-23 Innovative, concentrated liquid product specifically engineered to attack, penetrate and remove Coal
Alt Car Wash Shampoo 210 Ltr RXSOL-41-4102-210 Automobiles-41 A new and exciting silicon base product treated for the really tough cleaning problem faced on the p
Alt Glue / Adhesive for Carton Box RXSOL-15-3333-025 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 Designed for bonding and elastic effect, such as RUBER - PLASTIC materials.
Alt Sodium Bisulphite Liq RXSOL-33-1524-025 RO Chemicals-33 Sodium Bisulfite solution for using as chlorine reducing agent in RO units and for membranes preserv
Alt Metallic Stain Remover RXSOL-31-3050-005 Swimming Pool & Spa-31 RXSOL Stain Remover take care of issues like rust and metallic stains on your fiberglass pool or spa
Alt Bitumen Emulsifiers RXSOL-90-9009-025 Asphalt Release / Products-90 RXSOL BE is unique and highly effective emulsifier for all grades of BITUMEN and Asphalt.