Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt Redkleen RX 400 Radiator Flush Cleaner RXSOL-40-4051-025 Radiator and AC coil cleaner-39 Redkleen RX 400 ( Radiator Flush & Clean) is a non-acidic radiator and cooling system cleaner that e
Alt BTC Zyme RXSOL-15-1496-020 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 Unique biological active liquid formulation containing specialized bacterial strains, biodegradable
Alt Odorizer Absorbant RXSOL-24-2402-500 Clean Air deodorizer-24 Odorizer Absorbant is a colourless liquid with a very characteristic smell and an extremely low odou
Alt Refrigerant R 404A RXSOL-66-6626-045 Gasses-66 A synthetic HFC refrigerant which is harmless to the ozone layer.
Alt Refrigerants HFC R407C RXSOL-66-6627-011 Gasses-66 Freon 407C is an HFC refrigerant replacement for R-22 in positive displacement systems such as new o
Alt Refrigerant R410a RXSOL-66-6625-010 Gasses-66 Freon 410A is the leading HFC refrigerant for replacing R-22 in positive displacement residential an
Alt H2S Vial (Bacteriological ) Kit RXSOL-62-5540-001 Test Kit For Water-62 H2S vial (Bacteriological ) Kit is for checking Microbiological Quality of water. 1 PACK = 1 TEST
Alt Compressor Cleaner RXSOL ORG 80 Ultra Pure Biodegrable RXSOL-41-4180-025 Automobiles-41 RXSOL ORG 80 ( Ultra Pure Biodegrable Compressor Cleaner) is an ultra pure, biodegradable water-base
Alt Water Stain and Deposit Remover RXSOL-15-1069-005 House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 Usefull for rapid removal of acid-soluble debris, Hard water deposition, Alkaline films and residues
Alt RXSOL 664 (Immersion Carbon and Paint Remover) RXSOL-18-1811-025 Railway Maintenance-35 RXSOL 664 is a diphase, liquid product based on volatile aliphatic solvent and also containing tar-a