Screen Printing Photography Chem |
RXSOL-18-1016-025 |
Screen Printing Photography Chem |
Corrosion Inhibitor for Multi Metal Cooling Water |
RXSOL-40-4011-020 |
Alkaline Corrosion Inhibitor blend for Metal protection inside the CLOSED circulating system |
Chlorine Tablet |
RXSOL-31-3021-001 |
Dry organic chlorine in tablet form giving a high available chlorine base, ensuring an effective ste |
Tank Cleaner |
RXSOL-20-2054-025 |
Quickly removes oil, grease, grimes, adhesive and dyes. |
Hydrofluoric Acid 50% |
RXSOL-19-1103-040 |
Hydrofluoric Acid 40 |
Measuring Tube With Stropper 50 ml |
RXSOL-61-2824-001 |
Measuring Tube With Stropper 50 ml |
Potassium Permagnate 500 ml |
RXSOL-60-6110-500 |
Potassium Permagnate |
Nessler tube 50 Ml without stropper |
RXSOL-61-2822-001 |
Nessler tube 50 Ml without stropper |
Nessler tube 100 Ml without stropper |
RXSOL-61-2823-001 |
Nessler tube 100 Ml without stropper |
Filter Paper Fold 100 PCS WHATMAN |
RXSOL-61-2862-001 |
Whatman is creating a centre of excellence in separations technology for the scientific community. |
Metal Clean Bright HD |
RXSOL-20-1011-020 |
Powerful rust cleaning surface brightning agent. |
Sodium Hypo Chlorite |
RXSOL-31-3025-025 |
Extra pure LAB TESTED Clear greenish-yellow liquid miscible in any proportion with water. |
Nitric Acid 68% |
RXSOL-20-1106-060 |
Pasivation Grade Improve the corrosion resistance of parts made from austenitic, ferritic and marten |
Safe Acid Descale Powder |
RXSOL-54-1008-025 |
Scale dissolver. |
Foam Cleaning Agent |
RXSOL-22-3020-025 |
It is a superior FOAM cleaner with an exceptional solvency power on soil & oily matter & having goo |