Hydrochloric Acid 250 Kg |
RXSOL-19-1101-210 |
Solvent Chemicals-19 |
Hydrochloric acid is the aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride gas (HCl). |
Sulphuric Acid Conc |
RXSOL-19-1104-020 |
RO Chemicals-33 |
RO maintenance chemical |
Sodium Hypo Chlorite 12 to 15 |
RXSOL-22-3025-210 |
Hold Solution-22 |
High-test hypochlorite (HTH) is sold for chlorination of WATER |
Potassium Persulfate |
RXSOL-19-3065-025 |
Textiles / Looms-91 |
Potassium persulfate is a white, finely crystalline, odourless salt consisting of |
Potassium Persulphate |
RXSOL-19-6605-027 |
Powder Chemical-98 |
It is a white solid that is sparingly soluble in cold water but dissolves better in warm water. |
Paint Remover |
RXSOL-18-1013-001 |
House / HOTEL & CATERING-15 |
Excellent product for removal of paint from tough painted surfaces. |
RXSOL-19-6605-555 |
Powder Chemical-98 |
Sodium Persulfate is a white crystalline powder. |
Aluminium 34 |
RXSOL-68-3213-028 |
Metal Treatment-68 |
Aluminium shots and knotch bars are used as deoxidiser in steel plants |
RXSOL-60-6605-553 |
Hand Wash / Personal care-14 |
Sodium Persulfate is a white crystalline powder. |
RXSOL-60-6121-030 |
Lab Chemical-60 |
Phenolphthalein is an acid base indicator. |