Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt Dual Purpose Plus RXSOL-70-7002-025 Fuel Treatment-70 Dual Purpose plus is a concentrated combustion improver for heavy fuel oils.
Alt Inhibited Acid Cleaner RXSOL-91-1048-025 Textiles / Looms-91 Free from HCl, Safe and effective way to remove scale deposits from all types of water-cooled and wa
Alt AIRCRAFT WATER-METHANOL RXSOL-36-3556-025 Air Lines-36 Used to recover engine power at high ambient temperatures or high altitude airfields
Alt Drain Pipe Sewer Cleaner RXSOL-16-1057-001 Floor Care ( Polish / Cleaner ) -13 Drain Blaster cuts down the need to plumb or rod, or excavate when the build-ups occur.
Alt IAQ 6100 MOLD Resistant Fungistatic Agent RXSOL-41-8997-025 Construction Chem-67 Mold resistant fungistatic agent to resist mold growth on the dry coating surface
Alt Dechlorination Solution De Hypo RXSOL-20-2021-025 RO Chemicals-33 Dechlorinating agent is a kind of rapid reaction, is used to remove the residual chlorine in the rev
Alt Labdet Lab Cleaning Solution RXSOL-60-6293-005 Lab Chemical-60 Highly concentrate Product use for cleaning the lab glassware and lab equipment.
Alt Buffer Solution pH 7 RXSOL-60-6207-030 Lab Chemical-60 High Purity Lab reagents Buffer Solution pH 7
Alt Buffer Solution pH 4 RXSOL-60-6206-030 Lab Chemical-60 We also have ready stock of Colour code pH Buffers 1.68, 4.01, 7.00, 6.86, 9.18, 10.01, 12.45
Alt FERROUS CHLORIDE Soln RXSOL-68-1627-125 Metal Treatment-68 Iron(II)chloride tetrahydrateisusedas a reducing agent in metallurgy, in pharmaceutical preparations